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Potato Crop Solution

Potato Crop Nutrition


Potatoes are a staple crop, and proper nutrition is vital for a successful harvest. Nitrogen is crucial for vegetative growth and early development, while phosphorus supports root and tuber formation. Potassium aids in overall plant health, disease resistance, and tuber quality. Micronutrients such as boron and manganese are important for tuber development and quality. Soil testing helps tailor nutrient applications. Maintain soil pH around 5.8 to 6.5. Timely and balanced fertilization practices, adapted to growth stages, are essential for healthy potato plants and high-quality tuber production. Adequate water management is also critical for nutrient uptake and overall crop success.


Role of nutrients by Potato growth stage

Potatoes have changing nutrient requirements as they grow. During the early vegetative stage, provide nitrogen for lush foliage. Phosphorus is essential for root and tuber development. As tubers mature, potassium enhances plant health, disease resistance, and tuber quality. Micronutrients like boron and manganese are vital for tuber formation and quality. Adjusted nutrient applications at each stage ensure healthy potato plants and high-quality tuber production.


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INDR Agrotech

Tachnical Manager

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