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Turf Nutrition Crop Solution

Turf Nutrition Crop Nutrition

Maintaining healthy turfgrass requires proper nutrition for a lush and resilient lawn. Nitrogen is essential for green color and leafy growth. Phosphorus supports root development and early establishment. Potassium enhances stress tolerance, disease resistance, and overall plant health. Micronutrients like iron, manganese, and zinc are crucial for lawn vigor and color. Soil tests guide nutrient application rates, and maintaining soil pH around 6.5 is vital. Timely and balanced fertilization, adapted to seasonal and usage demands, contributes to a dense, beautiful lawn. Adequate water management and mowing practices are also key to nutrient uptake and the overall health of your turfgrass.


Role of nutrients by Turf Nutrition growth stage

Turfgrass nutrient requirements change with growth stages. During the early vegetative phase, nitrogen promotes leafy growth. As the turf matures, nitrogen continues to maintain color and density. Phosphorus initially supports root development, while potassium enhances stress resistance and overall health. Iron, manganese, and zinc are essential for color and vitality. Proper nutrient application tailored to each stage ensures a healthy and vibrant lawn. Adequate water and mowing practices further support nutrient uptake and maintain a lush turf.


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INDR Agrotech

Tachnical Manager

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